Packaged Foods & Bloating

Think of the last time you were eating clean but still felt bloated the next day.
Or a time your PFC meals were balanced, yet your clothes still felt a little extra snug.
These are both signs of the hidden bloating of salt!
Sodium (aka salt) is a crucial mineral and electrolyte for your body and essential for your survival. But just like with all essential nutrients, too much can lead to challenges.
Every gram of sodium holds on to 3-4 water molecules, so when you consume foods with extra salt and preservatives, even if they’re balanced, that means extra water, inflammation, slowed digestion and bloating!
Always know the more processed your food is and especially if it’s packaged, it will have extra sodium and preservatives.
Here are 3 simple rules to follow to make sure your food is clean and bloat free:
1) Focus on foods with 1 or as few ingredients as possible. Fresh food like fruit or vegetables, clean meat like fresh cut chicken, beef, or fish or healthy fats like raw nuts, seeds or avocado’s, all each have 1 ingredient in them, that means minimal sodium.
2) Choose grab n go foods that are low sodium, or no salt added. Sometimes fresh deli meat, canned tuna, gluten free crackers or wraps are necessary in a busy life. Just make sure to choose the cleanest lowest salt options available. And if you love adding a dash of salt to your food or recipes, choose Pink Himalayan or Redmond’s Real salt, both natural and loaded in minerals.
3) Drink lots of water! Water is your de bloating secret power. When your body has consistent water intake it releases water and bloat.

Ready For More Support?
Check Out This Monday's PFC3 Club Call:
Come experience a “Bloat – Free” experience! Mark will share his secret sauce on how to lose excess bloat, optimize digestion and eat clean on the go!
Our PFC3 exclusive coaching call is every Monday at 8PM EST via zoom for all PFC3 members.
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